With today’s new technology, it is tempting to add sparkle and glitz to an eLearning course. But as the saying goes, not everything that glitters is gold. Deciding if and when to use new technology can be tricky. Here are four factors to consider. Relevance The...
As an instructional designer (ID), you have carefully designed and developed useful content, engaging learning activities, and challenging assessment items for a project. You feel good about what you have created, but ‘So What?’ The important question is, Does the...
What are performance-based assessments (PBA)? Here’s an example to help you understand PBAs. Let’s think about verbs. Regardless of your level of interest in sentence structure, the word verb most likely brought one thing to mind: action. The physical act of...
Most colleges are creating online courses that serve the learners’ needs for flexibility and convenience. A positive partnership between an instructional designer, or ID, and a subject matter expert, or SME, can lead to a dynamic online course. It’s all about...
This is the fourth and final installment in the four-part blog series on authentic learning. We’ll explore how assessments fit into the authentic learning process. So far in the series we have discussed the components of authentic learning, the elements of a...
This is the second installment in a four-part blog series on authentic learning. We’ll explore what the environments look like that facilitate authentic learning and how to create them. The first blog explored what authentic learning is and how it can better...