In 2015, The Washington Post revealed that a typical (public school) student in the United States takes about 112 standardized tests between pre-kindergarten and graduation. Many educators, as a result of so much testing, have worked to make their students aware of...
It is important for content developers to know the difference between content standards and goals. Why? Because these have the capability of working against or assisting a content developer’s plans. Just like the framework of a house, standards and goals are the heart...
Who is my audience? The audience you are writing for is very important. At any age or grade level, the learners want to know why they need to learn the material presented. The cognitive level of the learner is also important. Young learners need simple sentences and...
PARCC defines technology-enhanced items (TEIs) as “tasks administered on a computer and [that] take advantage of the computer-based environment to present situations and capture responses in ways that are not possible on a paper-based test” (PARCC, 2016). Although...
Every great course begins with the knowledge of a Subject Matter Expert (SME). Being an effective SME, however, requires more than an understanding of the subject matter. Because the SME contributes as one member of a larger development team, skill in navigating the...
Personalized learning is a tailoring process that takes into account curriculum, pedagogy, and the learning environment. With this approach, the needs of individual learners are met by offering them choices about what, when, and how they learn. Custom or personalized...