Higher Education Learning Trends in 2019

Higher Education Learning Trends in 2019

Have you seen what’s trending on Facebook? How about what’s trending on Twitter or Instagram? With seemingly infinite information sources but only finite time, it may be hard to conceive of doing in-depth study of academic subjects. Yet the reality of our...
Four Ways to Include Digital Games in the Classroom

Four Ways to Include Digital Games in the Classroom

Children love video games.  In our increasingly digital world, we can leverage their use for instructional purposes.  Here are four tips for educators and curriculum developers to use digital games in the classroom. Games as motivational aids Research has shown that...
6 Best Practices for Math Course Writers

6 Best Practices for Math Course Writers

Developing content for math courses is no easy task. Here are six things every math course writer must know before diving into lesson and assessment development: 1)      Know the Standards Whether you’re using the Common Core State Standards or another set of...
Benefits of CTE to High School and College-Bound Students

Benefits of CTE to High School and College-Bound Students

One of the most important goals of education today is to prepare students to further their studies in higher education – college readiness preparation.  For this reason, ‘College Readiness’ gets major attention, both in legislation and funding.  It is the goal...
3 Ways Educators Can Learn from Designers

3 Ways Educators Can Learn from Designers

When you Google the word “designer,” the first few hits are about designer handbags, shoes, and furniture. Today, however, let’s think about visual and graphic designers.  A designer’s primary goal is to communicate: anything from how to...