Most students who enroll in a competency-based education (CBE) program start out excited, motivated, and ready to learn. For too many students, that enthusiasm starts to wane a few weeks into the course. This is bad news for students and the enrolling institution....
Have you worked with an instructional designer before? An instructional designer (ID) creates learning outcomes and builds activities that help learners master those outcomes in engaging ways. Schools, districts, and organizations can use instructional designers to...
Educators want authentic experiences for professional development. Some of our recent blog posts include best practices for planning training that incorporates real world modeling situations. Are you planning professional development and wondering how to make...
Teachers aim to make instruction more learner centered, so why aren’t we doing the same for educators when planning professional development? If you want to provide your teachers with the most effective professional development, creating a customized PD program is the...
Union Lake, Michigan: A Pass Educational Group, LLC is excited to announce a partnership with the Ohio Small and Rural Collaborative. Together, A Pass Educational Group, LLC (A Pass) and the Ohio Small and Rural Collaborative (OSRC) plan to nurture tomorrow’s leaders...