
Henry David Thoreau wrote, “Not that the story need be long, but it will take a long while to make it short.”

Speaking to the Audience

When commissioning content you deserve to know that your specifications and objectives will be incorporated into the content. Our writers do not write for themselves or us; they write for you. Moreover, they understand that you want your content to speak to your learners. Your learners have come to expect certain style and tone in your product. Our writers become your writers as they create content that you would have created yourself if you had the time and resources.

What Our Writers Do

Write Course Content

  • Adhere to your specifications and objectives to write at the appropriate level of the learner
  • Synthesize information from subject matter experts and instructional designers
  • Work in desired templates and/or on appropriate platforms

Write Assessment Items

  • Craft both standardized and customized assessment items for Humanities and STEM subject areas
  • Write a variety of standards aligned assessment items 
  • Create high-stakes assessment items

Who Our Writers Are

  • All writers have unique backgrounds developing content from accounting to zoology
  • Experience includes K12 and/or higher education, teaching, industry, and government work
  • Majority have Master’s degree in education, teaching, training, curriculum & instruction, journalism, or their subject area
  • Many have more than 20 years of experience and 3-5 years with A Pass
  • Most have deep knowledge of both Bloom’s Taxonomy and Webb’s DOK

Free eBook: Getting Learners Actively Involved

Educational and training writers know that students will only learn if they become engaged in the learning process. According to the A Pass resource “Getting Learners Actively Involved,” this involves challenging learners to engage in exercises and activities that pique their interest and motivate them to do more.