Remote blended learning, also known as enriched virtual blended learning, is the perfect solution for many learners. Some learners are too busy to attend class regularly. They need the flexibility of online classes; however, they still need the occasional face-to-face class with the instructor. This is where remote blended learning comes in.
Typically, for a learner taking a course modeled on the remote blended learning concept, the learner does most of the studying online and usually at home. The learning activities may include reading, researching, completing tasks, listening to podcasts, and watching videos. Most of the activities are asynchronous, though synchronous activities may be included. The majority of learning time takes place outside of the classroom and on the learner’s time.
However, there are times when learners need to meet with the instructor. Perhaps the class calls for in-person lab work or the instructor wants everyone to meet for small group discussions. But remote blended learning classes do not meet often. So when they do, instructors must use the time effectively.
One thing to keep in mind whenever any class is online is that the class is about learning. It is not about the latest apps or online tools, unless the actual course is about discovering and utilizing new apps and tools for a specific purpose. However, usually new digital apps are used to support learning and not take the place of it. Therefore, instructors and instructional designers must use any online components strategically to meet the learning outcomes and objectives.
Each online activity, especially those that use an app, should be directly linked to an outcome and objective. This way a learner doesn’t feel that an online activity is just a “filler.” There should also be a direct link between any online portion to any element that occurs face-to-face. This allows the learner to see both types of learning, online and face-to-face support each other.
When a university can accommodate a learner’s needs, be they academic or scheduling, it shows it takes a personal interest in each learner. This creates positive morale among learners, faculty, and administrators. Remote blended learning is a perfect solution for learners who need the flexibility of online classes and the benefit of face-to-face instruction.
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