The Importance of K-12 High-Quality Instructional Materials

Students using high-quality instructional materials.

High-quality instructional materials (HQIM) take time to create. Besides that, well-designed materials stand the test of time. Teachers stick with what they know works. Likewise, publishers who create HQIM get the following rewards.


Ring of Trust

Quality matters. Good materials build trust. Besides that, teachers will ask for materials they know to meet their needs in the classroom. Even so, teachers recommend to their administrators what materials to buy. K-12 districts will stick with a trusted content provider. Likewise, they will continue to buy materials from a source that they trust. Pair trust with a stellar customer service team, and everyone wins. Teachers offer up ideas when they trust their publishers.


Ring of Credibility

Besides that, high-quality materials build a publisher’s reputation in the market. As leaders know, this credibility lifts the bottom line. Teachers talk to other teachers. They will recommend what works and what doesn’t work to their peers in other districts.  Also, teachers write blogs and review materials. Publishers gain sales boosts when teachers rave about their products. Still, the materials need to deliver for both in-person and remote-ready instruction.


Ring of Authority

Likewise, high-quality instructional materials can help to build a publisher’s reputation as an industry leader. Editors who guide their team to take the time to build quality materials rise to the top of the list. Also, this authority lets publishers try new ideas. Teachers are more willing to test HQIM in the classroom. Administrators are keen to be part of focus groups. Administrators reach for the phone to call the publisher to buy more products. Editors who focus on the details of the materials will see sales rise. Crisp graphics, formatted documents, and functioning tech integration win over administrators and teachers alike.


Builds Relationships

Besides that, K-12 districts will return as customers once the relationship is built. Schools will purchase curricula rather than look for a new publisher. Administrators will be more inclined to buy curricula for other subjects. K-12 districts will be more willing to try new HQIM. Teachers will be more willing to offer up improved ideas. These ideas may lead to potential cost savings in HQIM production and packaging. Also, these ideas may be missed by project managers. Likewise, these suggestions may lead to new revenue streams for publishers.

In sum, high-quality instructional materials are more than just a product to sell. HQIM are the calling cards of the publisher. HQIM are outstretched hands for publishers to build a long-term relationship with a school district. High-quality instructional materials clear the way for the sales team. Teachers will ask their administrators to buy materials that they know will work in the classroom.


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A Pass Educational Group, LLC is an organization dedicated to the development of quality educational resources. We partner with publishers, K-12 schools, higher ed institutions, corporations, and other educational stakeholders to create custom quality content. Have questions?

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