Should you integrate new technology in eLearning courses?

new technology

With today’s new technology, it is tempting to add sparkle and glitz to an eLearning course. But as the saying goes, not everything that glitters is gold. Deciding if and when  to use new technology can be tricky. Here are four factors to consider.


The general rule of thumb is only use new technology, like games or AR/VR, if it adds meaning to an eLearning course. When creating a module, ask what would help the learner meet the objective. If a simple diagram works, use that. If a learner has to demonstrate mastery of knowledge, such as a process, new technology may be the most effective. The key is to consider the learner. What does the learner need in order to be successful? 


When looking to add technology, there is an ever-increasing range of possibilities. However, not all options are appropriate for every module. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each type of new technology. For example, creating virtual reality (VR) could be very expensive. It may also be hard for an older learner to feel comfortable using VR.

A possible alternative to VR that may cost less is augmented reality (AR). This combines reality and virtuality. An example is a weather map: the map shows the actual locations of cities, but the superimposed cold front moving across the country is virtual. 

Another new technology that has become popular is online games. eLearning courses designed like games are gaining popularity with younger learners. Games can be simple, like earning points for answering questions correctly. To increase complexity and possibly engagement, avatars and complicated rules can be added. However, older learners may not appreciate complex games. This doesn’t mean older learners wouldn’t appreciate new technology; it just means the technology has to meet the learner’s needs. 

Download the article: Understanding Cost Factors in eLearning


Finally, any technology used in eLearning should use the available resources. Anything that requires new resources just to spice things up may not be the best choice. There are many online apps, such as Google Docs, that are free to use. Of course, if the budget allows it, customizing applications may meet a course’s objectives, too. 


The cost to add new technology to an eLearning course varies. Multiple factors affect price. The article Understanding Cost Factors in Creating eLearning outlines factors to consider when deciding to add technology. A Pass can also help evaluate an eLearning course for appropriate technology. 

Adding new technology to an eLearning course can be daunting and exciting. There are many factors to consider. However, careful evaluation of the learner’s needs and available resources with a professional from A Pass Educational Group will make the process simpler.



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A Pass Educational Group, LLC is an organization dedicated to the development of quality educational resources. We partner with publishers, K-12 schools, higher ed institutions, corporations, and other educational stakeholders to create custom quality content. Have questions?

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