Learner Variability: Publishers Should Highlight These 6 features

learner variability
Learner variability (LV) is not new. Ed Tech has tailored the learning environment. Learner variability has been waiting for its chance to show off. LV fits the content to the student. Still, creating materials that meet various needs in the classroom is a challenge. Here are 6 features publishers can include in their products. 


Publishers Can Create Content Pathway for Learner Variability 

At last, publishers get the shot to show off their content. Learner variability gives teachers multiple pathways to teach students. Providers can give educators the power to choose content that matches students’ learning gaps and needs. Yes, high-functioning students get appropriate content. Struggling students receive assignments to bridge learning gaps. Teachers see early warning signals. This scaffolding helps teachers create different learning levels for their classrooms. Besides that, everyone learns the same general topic. This characteristic lets teachers build an inclusive environment to promote learner variability. Also, teachers can focus on social and emotional topics. 


Social and Emotional Connections

Besides that, publishers can highlight SEL resources. Publishers can spend time developing support content on emotions and wellness. Publishers can direct their writing staff and contractors to update materials to reflect learners’ needs. Standards are recognized. Now, providers can review and update SEL curricula. Also, publishers can partner with educators to get to know where to focus content.


Review Student Biographical Background for Learner Variability 

Likewise, collaborations with teachers can focus on the student. Diverse student backgrounds are the norm. Providers can represent diverse scenarios in their content. Also, publishers must consider the different socio-economic backgrounds of their students. Besides that, publishers and teachers do not know if students have been affected by trauma. It affects how they process information. 


Utilize Universal Design by Looking at Cognition 

Therefore, how students learn is unique to them. Educators and publishers know this point. Publishers offer the same content to different learning styles. Reflective and participative learning activities are included. Auditory and hands-on are in too. Besides that, publishers now get to redefine assessment by learning style.


Support Learner Variability With Tools and Resources 

Likewise, providers get to add in the future workforce skills: collaboration, critical thinking, emotional intelligence, and problem-solving. Moreover, these skills are not just for teachers. Students need them too. Also, publishers get to create teacher resources to boost these skills in their classrooms. Teachers must be aware of the power of learner variability in the classroom. Otherwise, they may not turn on the tools. Publishers may need to include targeted professional development, so teachers use the tools. 


Curated Resources

Still, learner variability shapes the content design. Learning pathways cannot be made on the fly. Effective pathways utilize universal design. Most importantly, students may not have the emotional readiness to learn the content when presented in one way. Learners may take a variety of paths to mastery. Providers first must say learner variability is here. Then publishers can design the multiple pathways. Also, publishers get to make flexible portable content chunks for different students. Successful curated resources can have these attributes: 

  • Audio Supports: Audiobooks lead to higher interest in reading. Publishers can give educators the option to turn on audio resources for books and articles. Text-to-speech lets students listen when they need to.
  • Visual Reading Aids Options: Access to settings, lets students choose how they want their screens to look as they complete their work. Publishers can let learners control features such as text size, guided reading strips, and paragraph numbering. These features help increase focus, attention, and comprehension of the content.
  • Annotation: Publishers can let students highlight passages and take notes. Split-screen options help students keep track of important parts of the text to answer questions.


In sum, learner variability creates an opportunity for publishers. Most importantly, learner variability lets providers showcase their content. Therefore, publishers can build partnerships with schools to produce relevant content for students. Teachers can assign curated resources that meet the individual student’s needs. Publishers can provide teachers learner variability supported resources.


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