5 Things a Content Developer Should Know About Standards

Why should a content developer care about standards? Because writing without standards is like creating without a vision. Michelangelo always said that he was “releasing the sculpture he saw inside the marble.” Developers must do the same when writing their content, but helping students reach their academic potential is tough if the developers lack the knowledge they need. Read below to learn about five things every content developer should know, and you’ll be all caught up!


  • Many Core Subjects Have Literacy Standards

While the Common Core Standards are written for English language arts and math, the English standards include literacy goals for other content areas, including science, history/social studies, and other technical subjects. These other content areas have their own standards created by various organizations. This means that literacy isn’t just a language arts teacher’s job! Content developers need to realize that, technically, all teachers should be helping their students develop reading and writing skills.


  • Other Standards Exist Beyond the Common Core

Outside of the common core, various organizations have created or are working to create standards for their subject areas. These standards include the Next Generation Science Standards, the National Standards for Learning Language, and the National Standards for Arts Education. Many schools have begun to include blended learning within their curriculums. This has proven successful and, as a result, it has become a trend that many content developers should strive to include in their work.

man facing world map

  • The Standards Will Change—They Always Do!

While the Common Core state standards were adopted by 42 of the 50 U.S. states, any further revision to these standards will be led by an individual state. Research and evidence are also required in order to make any future revisions. A developer should always be on the lookout for changes to these standards so they can keep their material current. They should also know where their work will be used, to ensure it meets the standards of their clients.


  • Standards Always Have an End Game

All individual states are responsible for finding an assessment to measure student growth at the end of the year. For more information regarding these assessments, visit the National PTA’s assistance guide. Some states may not have a lot of practice material available due to the newness of these assessments (which is good news for developers), but carefully reviewing the materials available will help a developer’s content become more aligned with current educational practices.

girl reading

  • Standard Designs Reflect Society’s Needs

Many standards over the past 10 years were either written or revised to reflect student needs as they transition into their adult lives. No matter what standards a content developer uses, all of them stress 21st century learning skills. It is very possible that when a student completes their high school education, they will compete on a global level to get into an institution to further their education. Upon graduation, they will work in a global economy. It is not a coincidence that STEM education is on the rise…look at the job forecast for 2018! Standards follow suit as well.


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A Pass Educational Group, LLC is an organization dedicated to the development of quality educational resources. We partner with publishers, K-12 schools, higher ed institutions, corporations, and other educational stakeholders to create custom quality content. Have questions?

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