5 Reasons Why K-12 Publishers Should Focus on Producing Interactive Books for STEM Learning

STEM learning student

Are interactive books a good item for K-12 publishers to offer their districts? Is taking the time to set up a team to create eBooks for STEM education worth it? Yes. Below are five reasons why publishers should focus on making interactive books that support STEM learning today.



Teachers Like Interactive Books for STEM Learning

Now, teachers can assign students interactive books based on their interests. Educators can find eBooks that fill a student’s knowledge gap. Also, teachers can give talented and gifted students more information on topics that interest them. Likewise, by creating interactive reading materials on STEM topics, publishers give teachers the flexibility to meet each student’s reading level. Publishers win over the teachers when they give them tools that make their job easier. Besides that, publishers then give teachers the gift of the physical classroom space. The multi-level readers take up extra space in the classroom. Also, bi-lingual materials exist in the same digital space. In addition, digital content libraries let schools offer students more content. Also, digital libraries free crowded media centers up for community STEM education activities, such as robotic competitions and animation projects.


Interactive Books Build Community While Expanding the Current Curriculum

Therefore, publishers can expand their current curriculums by offering STEM education eBooks. Books can support legacy products used in older districts while bridging new revisions. Besides that, editors get access to a community of parents, teachers, and experts when making interactive STEM education products. Publishers can partner with districts to sponsor contests and scholarships. Therefore, they connect with their customers. Most importantly, engagement with STEM learning products means districts will stay with them for future purchases.


Publishers can add eBooks as New Revenue Streams and Acquire New Markets for STEM Education

Moreover, STEM education is ideal for interaction. Publishing teams can include video, AR/AV, audio clips, and gamification to products. Likewise, these items can be set up as add-ons and integrated into an existing curriculum. Also, publishers can continue to offer STEM interactive books in a variety of languages. Publishers not only increase the global reach of their content but also increase profit. In addition, interactive eBooks are not restricted by circulation within a district. Publishers can reach readers anywhere and anytime. Also, eBooks give publishers a way to enter global markets. As STEM topics are the same across the world, publishers can invest in translation. Editors can make localized materials based on geography. Therefore, interactive books are cheaper to make than traditionally published books.


Interactive Books are less Expensive to Produce for STEM education

Besides that, interactive STEM books are easier to make than traditional print books. Likewise, eBooks are easier to update too. Revisions can be pushed to the districts in an update. Legacy publishing practices lack the agility that digital publishing gives publishers. Digital publishing cuts the costs of designing, printing, warehousing, and distributing books. Most importantly, STEM learning topics are more conducive to being created in the interactive format. STEM education shines with simulations, augmented reality, and microlearning clips. Publishers can partner with experts.


Publishers Can Hire Top Talent to Author Interactive Books  

Still, interactive books need to be well-written books to be successful. Publishers have access to a large market to hire writers. Retired educators, industry experts, and professional writers are available and willing to work with publishers. Award-winning illustrators are waiting to draw the interactive models for these books. Publishers have at their disposal, state and regional guilds who are willing to partner with their editors to create quality resources for students.


To conclude, editors that lead teams to develop interactive books for STEM education gain entry to the global market. This advantage sets up the publishers for future success. Teachers can meet individual student learning needs. Finally, interactive books for STEM learning are cheaper to make and easier to update. Publishers who pivot to meet this growing market need can win.




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