5 Benefits K-12 Publishers Get When Hiring a Content Development Vendor with a US-Based Team

K-12_content development_teams are stronger.

The lure of low-cost offshore content development firms is a temptation for K-12 publishers. Yet, the reward of low-cost content creation risks higher costs and lower quality in the long run. Below are five benefits publishers get when they opt to go with a US-based content creation team. 


K-12 Teams in the US Offer Skills and Expertise for Publishers 

Most importantly, publishers who hire US content development teams get the skills and expertise on that team. Onshore teams know the complexities and nuances of the US K-12 educational system. Besides that, many US-based teams are comprised of certified teachers. They bring classroom skills to the table. Likewise, US-based content creation teams know national and state standards.   



Therefore, the biggest advantage of hiring a US-based team is the money saved throughout the project. Publishers using offshore vendors may get a lower quote at the front end of the project. Yet, clients who opted for lower upfront costs ended up paying more in hidden costs along the way. Delays and miscommunication add up over the lifecycle of the project. Publishers save money when the products are done right the first time. A K-12, US-based content development team delivers quality on time.


Quality and Quick Turnaround Times Benefit Publishers  

Likewise, US-based content development vendors have established processes, templates, and systems in place. These systems have been proven to deliver quality products. Also, design teams are accustomed to tight deadlines. Project managers are used to leading teams on tight schedules. Deadlines will not fall away due to seasonal schedules. Besides that, onshore firms can scale staff as needed to meet the project demands.


K-12 Teams in the US integrate Cultural Understanding into the Content Development 

Besides that, US-based content development teams deliver polished products ready to go at the launch date. A team of dedicated professionals has robust content development processes in place. The checks and balances are tried and true. Editors know how to avoid embarrassing content mistakes. Professional translators know the intricate nuances of regional differences throughout the US. 


K-12 Teams in the US Know Industry Trends

Most importantly, US-based content teams stay on top of the industry needs for K-12. Professional creators know emerging trends and technology. US-based teams can bring in subject matter experts when needed. Also, US-based teams have a global reach to add cultural richness to the content. Design teams can tap into the latest technologies. Publishers benefit by not having to bring in-house staff up to speed.


In sum, publishers who choose a US-based content development team reap rewards in the long run. These publishers benefit from the skills and expertise of a seasoned professional team. Also, the US-based vendor has a proven reputation. Onshore firms offer publishers the flexibility to meet project needs. Lastly, the US-based content development team knows the K-12 publishing market. 


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A Pass Educational Group, LLC is an organization dedicated to the development of quality educational resources. We partner with publishers, K-12 schools, higher ed institutions, corporations, and other educational stakeholders to create custom quality content. Have questions?

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